Review of Gladiator

Gladiator (2000)
Epic that pays homage.
7 May 2000
The movie "Gladiator" filled pretty much up to my expectations. It had wonderful photography and visual effects, probably one of the most enjoyable movies to look at of the 90's. The action sequences are tense, suspenseful, gut-wrenching, slick, and above all, violent. Russel Crowe's talents, unfortunately, are somewhat wasted in this part, since primarily his part is just to fight and be brave. He does do this little well, though.

The plot of this movie is reminiscent of countless other epics. Emperor has doubts about who to give his throne to, and his unexpected decision stirs up jealousy in those not chosen (Ran). So unchosen decides to run off the one chosen and tries to kill him, though the chosen somehow survives, while the unchosen believes he is dead (though not an epic in practical sense, The Lion King, and possibly others). The chosen finds his wife and son dead and vows vengeance against the now king (Braveheart). He is instead, though, sold into slavery and enrolled in a gladiator school (Spartacus). There, he is put on display in a colosseum to compete with others for the audience's amusement (Ben-Hur). He rallies up support, but after being betrayed by his own people, he is caught by the king (Braveheart again). Then, there is an ending which I'm not quite sure what movie it is from. I must not have seen it yet. Alright, so maybe the movie is going to win any acting or writing oscars. It probably doesn't deserve them anyway. However, the scenes in the colloseum are so beautifully and skillfully crafted, that the academy still should grant "Gladiator" oscars for Best Director Ridley Scott, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Sound Effects Editing, Best Visual Effects, and maybe, just maybe, best picture. We will see.
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