Not clever and intellegent at all
7 July 2000
I went to see Keeping The Faith expecting that it would be not so good. I was, sadly enough, right. TV's Dharma is a so-so actress who I don't think would really have so captivated the attention of Stiller and Norton, especially not to the degree that they'd give up their faith to have her. Ben Stiller gives a downright lousy performance as an unfunny, supposedly "hip" rabbi who the film tries to show the "light side of religion" through. It is plain ridiculous, and the film seems to think that it's ok to make so much Jewish humor just as long as it's at the expense of it's own characters. The humor is all cliches, as is the screenplay. I'll admit it's an original idea, but it's completely implausible. No one would go to a Synagouge that had a gospel choir sing "Ein Keloheinu", and they certainly wouldn't like the rabbi. Norton is the one saving grace in the film, but unlike in American History X, the strength of his performance is not nearly enough to carry the movie. If you are contemplating seeing a touching, funny, contemporary movie about relationships, see When Harry Met Sally or Annie Hall. Don't see this unless you laugh at anything merely because it is classified as comedy.
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