Hamlet (2000)
5 July 2002
Everybody thought that the Hamlet adaptations would finish with the imortal Kenneth Brennan one,but there are some systematic directors who enjoy to bring those same stories back to life. This movie is extremely boring,I was so bored that I had to go out of the cinema in the first 40 minutes.I was disapointed with Ethan Hawke performance,he is just lost in this character,but I think it wasn't his fault,it's just that showing Sheakspeare stories in nowadays doesn't work.You can see the terrible Romeo+Juliet. It's just a waste of time to watch this piece of `art' or whatever they tried to do.I was laughing when the ghost appeared in a Pepsi machine or when Hawke's character was philosophizing about his existence in a Blockbuster. The only person who saves in this movie is Bill Murray ,very funny!!!The rest of the cast...

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