The True Story...
7 June 2003
that's about the biggest lie since the pope ain't Catholic. I was really excited when I heard that they would be doing a movie about her life. I've read all of her books and biographies on her to boot, but the stupid producers of this movie have totally made a mockery of Laura Ingalls Wilder's life. First off, Pa was way too crass. I mean, it wasn't even on for 7 minutes and he was swearing in front of his daughters like a modern day jerk. And they made Laura out to be some ditzy blonde who was romantiscizing over Almonzo. Who's Patsy? Whatever happened to Nellie? That seems like one of the easiest details to keep in the script. And Ma was way too cold and unloving towards her family. This was a terrible adaption of a wonderful series of books. (Even the TV show was better than this garbage.)
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