Noah's Ark (1999)
Maliciously criticized video
18 December 2002
I've read the comments and the majority of them remind me of a scene from this video where Noah and Company are building the Ark and the nearby townspeople come to KILL him ... it's not clear why they're are so enraged about his innocent enterprise ... but it sure as h..l resembles a lot of the criticism here of this very sweet and non-prejudicial movie. The comments remind me of 'lynch-mob' mentality. Maybe the negative nay-sayers have their personal 'sodom' threatened by it, I don't know .. but watch the video and decide for yourself. You might also watch 'Sakharov' starring Jason Robards and let me know if the 'court attendees' at the 'inquests' remind you of many of the 'user comments' for this video ... I know I can see a striking resemblance. Anyways, if you read Genesis and add up the years and generations after Adam, you'll realize that Noah had about 30 years left to live when Lot's father was born ... so he could have been alive at the same time, even though other parts of the Movie don't exactly correspond to the King James version chronology. Read the Nag Hammadi Library for more information about what really happened during the Biblical era. QED ... and God Bless You (P.S. This Movie is NOT anti-semitic!!!)
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