Noah's Ark (1999)
Good as a movie, lousy as Biblical history.
22 June 2002
I know that many others have already complained about the Biblical inaccuracies in this movie, but I might as well add my two cents worth, too. :)

As the title of this review says, "Noah's Ark" is a great movie, but a pathetic retelling of Biblical history. Altho very dramatic and heavy (and quite entertaining), it completely shreds any amount of accuracy. For example...

1) Lot was a descendant of Noah's, not his best friend. They lived hundreds of years apart and never even saw each other.

2) It was Abraham who bargained with God to find 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, not Noah.

3) The movie also slaps the divine nature of the Bible in the face. The Bible clearly says that "All scripture is inspired by God", meaning that God wrote the Bible through mortal men. However, if you listen to Noah's wife Naamah, "You can't trust scribbling scribes. They change things. When they're done with the story, it will be as if you weren't even there." (loose quote) So first, we're supposed to believe that Noah and family witnessed the destruction of Sodom, and second, we're supposed to believe the Bible lies about it?

4) Shem, Ham, and Japheth took their WIVES on the Ark, not their GIRLFRIENDS.

5) Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives, were the only survivors of the Flood. There were no peddlers or pirates.

6) God shut the door to the Ark, not Noah's sons.

7) There was only one window on the Ark, and the odds of them actually being able to move about on deck are slim to none.

8) I read nowhere that it says God assisted with the building of the Ark.

9) I also don't find anything about them going crazy or Noah's sons rebelling.

10) And can someone please show me book, chapter, and verse where God "had to decide" whether or not to drown the Ark?

11) Oh, yes, and God does NOT make mistakes. What is the purpose of having and omniscient being if he's going to make mistakes? This movie has God apologizing to Noah, but in actuality, God did what had to be done and what he KNEW had to be done.

12) And finally, God did not promise Noah that he would never destroy the Earth again, he promised he would never destroy the Earth by WATER again. It says later on in the Bible that when Christ returns to escort us to the Judgement Day, the world will be consumed with fire. So yes, the Earth WILL be destroyed a second time, just not in the same method.

There are many smaller discrepancies, but these are the major ones. I fully understand that some things would have to be "amended" for a film version of the Ark, such as giving first names to Noah's wife and his daughters-in-law, but this movie far exceeds any legitimate speculation. Like I said in the beginning, this is a good movie for someone who just wants to be entertained, but if you're looking for a vast store of Bible knowledge, look somewhere else.
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