A rich experience in sound, color and story.
29 December 2003
I had read all the Tolkien books long before this beautifully done set of films were made. I did not see the first two films in the theater as I am not much of a movie goer. I did see them on DVD and liked them very much. The sound quality in the first two was my only complaint, I found it difficult to hear what the actors were saying at times, but in this final film that seemed much improved. Of course this final part of the tale is less dialog and more action so that may explain the improved effect, it may also be because I saw this in the theater and the sound is better quality than my little TV gives.

I was enchanted with the whole finale of the tale. I was glad that the ending was not changed to much, though I liked the struggle to save the shire at the end of the book, the movie was getting long and the tale stood without that piece. I hope we can look forward to "The Hobbit" some day by this same group of people, it will make my DVD collection complete.

I hope many people will read these books now because creativity and imagination need to be developed on well written works like this. I am sure Mr. Tolkien would have been pleased.
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