Blossom: Pilot (1990)
Season 1, Episode 0
Blossom in four easy steps
24 July 2002
1. Blossom: "I am such a typical teenager of the early '90s. I wear ugly denim floppy hats with flower print and deal with the issues of dating, sex, and school on a daily basis. I always have a problem that can be solved in 20 minutes."

2. Blossom's Friend: "I am Blossom's sexually obsessed friend. I am quirky, fun, and a little loopy!"

3. Joey: "Whoa!"

4. Blossom's Dad: "Oh Blossom, don't you know you will always be my little girl? Now stop trying to set me up with dates."

WGN aired reruns of Blossom every afternoon just as kids were getting out of school. Many times the Cubs game would still be on so I wouldn't have to sit there and watch it, but usually I did if I wanted to wait for Full House (my favorite show at the time).

"Blossom" proves that kids will watch anything with a snappy theme song.
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