Sports Night (1998–2000)
Wow! A smart comedy with tons of wit!
1 December 2003
At the risk of gushing, I just have to say I loved this little series "that could." I initially caught the show because it had gotten favorable reviews. Some guy I'd never heard of (Aaron Sorkin) was the creator.

The main reason I checked it out was that it starred Josh Charles, an actor who I'd been watching ever since he played Iggy in John Waters' "Hairspray" (at the ripe old age of 16). Anyone who loves Really BAD Cinema remembers Mr. Charles in Threesome with those winning thesbians Steven Baldwin and the pre-anorexic Laura Flynn Boyle. Peter Krause had been on "Cybil" but really takes off here.

I found the casting of the ensemble (with the anchoring force of Robert Guillaume) to be THE great '90's comedic cast. Friends? Not even close.

It is a great sadness that this fine cast and crew only wrung two seasons out of the network. It is equally sad that they never got the chance to be repeated (since the network decided the show was a bad sweeps risk, thereby removing 4 months of the run from each year). Though I understand Comedy Central has shown repeats of the show. Ah, cable. What an odd place that must be.

Saddest of all, only Krause has followed this up truly great work. (Sorkin had a fine season or so with The West Wing but self-destructed with drug abuse and is now off of that show.) Watching Felicity Huffman flopping about the stage on "Frasier" highlights perfectly how the mighty have fallen. Of course, anyone married to William H. Macy is to be envied. (This review was obviously done before Desperate Housewives, a show I no longer watch as it has lost its way.)

Lastly, let me add; if you were a fan of the show, buy it. If you were one of those who didn't watch because you thought Arli$$ had already done the sports lampoon better and with fewer network restrictions, buy it. Watch it. You won't be sorry.

This is an amazing show that deserves your attention.
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