26 March 2001
I'm 16 years old, and I enjoy this show as much as I do now as I did over 10 years ago. As a toddler, my family recorded episodes of this show. I loved watching it then. After that, for about 9 years, I kind of forgot about it, but when my youngest sister reached toddler age, my parents took out the old tapes of this, and boom! I was hooked again.

Another reason I enjoy this show so much is because it helped me go through some of the more turbulent times in my life. You can say the witty dialogue and such helped calm me down.

Not only is it entertaining, but it also teaches kids important lessons on life with classic yet flawed characters. For example, Piglet is very intelligent and possesses a kind heart, yet he is paranoid and cowardly. His friend Pooh is a bit braver and almost as nice, yet he's a little...empty in the head. And the list goes on.

This is a great show that helps young kids, and even older ones get through life.
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