Not a masterpiece, but sufficiently entertaining
7 January 2004
I'm quite a big fan of the typical British humor, I find it a lot more sophisticated than the typical American humor. If you're into British humor, you'll definitely enjoy at least some part of this, as it's packed with it. Some of it is basic, and some of it is wacky, but most of it is good. It deals with a lot of the questions and stuff guys and girls have with having sex as a teenager. The plot is nowhere near realistic, nor very interesting, but it has it's moments, and the humor is worth sitting through the movie for. At the very beginning, the movie was at it's funniest, and after that, it gets slower and less funny, at a continuous downwards loop... unfortunately. But, it has some incredibly funny moments at several points in the movie, so it's worth checking out, unless you can't stand British humor or the heavy British accent that every single person in the movie has. The movie could have been great, if it wasn't for a few slow scenes, and some gags that don't have the funny effect they're supposed to have, but you should check it out if you're into British humor, or just plain sexual humor. 6/10
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