Lethal Orbit (1996 TV Movie)
A true Bowfinger's movie
21 June 2004
Did you see the movie Bowfinger? If you want to see what a true Bowfinger's movie would look, just take a look at this piece of junk. The budget was obviously "zero". The movie seems filmed with a webcam to say the least. All the scenes in space have been taken from several documentaries (the space suits change depending on the take!) and the faces of the characters in space are close ups so we can't see they were filmed on a dark room with just a spot light to simulate the sun. The spotlight even reflects on the helmet and is blue... The scenes that shows the wife and son watching the news on TV are just horrible and they are a bunch, and I won't start talking about the people on the courtroom. I'd wish there was a 0 out of 10, this movie surely deserves it... Avoid like the plague!
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