Shallow Teeny-Bopper film sinks faster than the Titanic!
15 December 2000
I swear, if I see one more of these empty, shallow, teeny-bopper flicks, I will scream. The great film makers of our time are rolling in their graves and some aren't even dead yet. How do people get the backing to make this crap. This is one of those movies where when you watch it, you think, why am I staying. Cook is extremely dull as a high school nobody who gets a make-over to be popular. Prinze, although he is great to look at, is also boring as the guy who makes Cook over. But that's all he is, eye candy. The only positive thing I can say about this is that Mathew Lillard is hilarious as always. His portrayal as an MTV "REAL WORLD" reject is so funny. I warn all people with IQ's higher than their shoe size to stay away from this horrible film.

I give this film * (for Lillard)
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