Extended TV show with added music
8 May 2003
That sums it up pretty well, but what it doesn't express is that South Park actually manages to sustain the laughter over the length of an entire movie, something most TV-to-film adaptations fail. And although its critics will point to the incredible amount of swearing and other questionable situations the movie involves, what they miss is that this is actually far more intelligent than most movies aimed at the teen audience. After all, what better way to frame a satire on censorship than in a film completely packed with bad-taste moments?

South Park also marks a return to the musical genre of Trey Parker and Matt Stone's other brilliant movie, Cannibal! The Musical. The songs are actually very well made (I think one of them has a musical background) and anything that spoofs the awful, staid songs of traditional musicals is in my good books. If you're a fan of the TV show you've probably already seen this; if you're not, then I'd suggest ignoring all the negative publicity and giving it a go. If you can get past the foul mouths you might be suprised.
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