Random Hearts (1999)
nice try but.........
14 March 2000
You have to admit this movie could have been good, it had a very nice plot and premise but, like the plane in the movie took a nose dive after take off. First off i dont think the screen writers wrote the press as smart. They seem to not be able to write a story unless its dropped in their lap. In other words the press are only used when convenient for the story. Our actors really tried to do a good job, but the script was just bad. The movie dragged on and on from the needless subplots to the old 80's detective saxaphone music it was all just needless and boring. The only thing i found interesting in this movie was the chemistry between mr.ford and his leading lady, but sometimes the lines they spoke just didnt seem believable. Another subplot i found interesting was the crooked cop. All in all nice try but not worth the money i rented it for its a 1.00 dollar movie rack for the forsiable future.
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