Shocking, fascinating and a documentary of object than the subject
18 January 2003
Admittedly the most racist (and at that best produced given the limitations of its time), this move captivates from the first time it talks about the 'observations of Jews taken in their burrows in Poland'. This movie is in German and I am not aware of a subtitled version in English (and even the German version needs technical improvement to be comprehensible).

This is a historical document, no doubt. It is not a document of the Jews of the time but of the producers and the powers to be of that time. As such it is more than a tad enlightening.

The Nazis were masters at mass-manipulation without so much as an agenda, but when they latched onto something they sure wouldn't let go. It seems almost by chance that the Jews became victims of their bizarre ideology; but then anti-semitism had quite a breeding gound in Eastern Europe for half a decade before Hitler's time.

What makes this movie so chilling is that it *does* have an emotional impact on you - whether you like it or not. When the movie goes to ridicule Einstein as a Zionist (which he never was) I was (almost) taken by it.

This movie is dangerous. It is the quintessential counterpart to the 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' (a book/novel produced apparently in Russia at a time beforehand to discredit the Jew). It is evil propaganda at its best.

Its not Hollywood, its bad quality, its German only (although I understand a subtitled DVD copy will enter circulation) but when you hear Hitler end his Reichstagssitzung with the words that 'if Jewry will not join civilized nations instead of bringing about WW II they will be exterminated' you sure know which way the wind blows.

Wait for the subtitled copy if you don't speak German and wait to see hatred, insanity and bizarre politpropaganda come to life. This movie is intense (some truly disturbing scenes) but much more at what it says about the (unfocused) ideology of the holocaust than any statement it might make about Jewish lifestyle, tradition and culture.
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