Review of Jawbreaker

Jawbreaker (1999)
A great movie with a great cast!
31 August 1999
What happens when you take the movie "Heathers", sprinkle on some "Clueless", and add a pinch of "Carrie"? Well, you get the phat movie Jawbreaker, a good movie which really lets Rebecca Gayheart and Rose McGowen shine like the stars they are!

The movie itself is somewhat true to the lives of teenagers---there was always that incredibly exclusive group of kids that NOBODY but NOBODY could be good friends with. Well, this movie lets us see into one of these groups...and what lies underneath is totally rotton.

Rose McGowen is a total witch, much to the dismay of Rebecca Gayheart...who has to solve the puzzle of Courtney's scheme after her character Julie is tossed from the clique. The ending is pretty memorable...reaching back to it's roots of Carrie.

Speaking of Carrie...P.J. Soles is in the movie, as well as the cool Carol Kane (When a Stranger Calls). I really enjoyed the movie as did my friends. A laugh-a-thon that doesn't try to take itself TOO seriously, and remembering that is a good thing.

Oh, and Rebecca Gayheart is grrrreat!
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