What's to Love?
2 March 2000
How could Catherine love Thomas Crown? On the island, she says, "Do you think there's really happily ever after for people like us?" What does she mean "us"? She wasn't a person like him until she met him. She wasn't a thief, she wasn't unprincipled. In one scene, he wants her to be jealous to make sure she's not just after the painting. What about him? How did she know he wasn't romancing her just to keep her from turning him in? And how could her trust her? If she didn't turn him in, she was cheating on the company she worked for, not to mention letting him break the law. He also tells her that if they go away with the painting, they'll be fugitives with means? Why do that when he could be a billionaire with his freedom? I just don't understand how Catherine could fall for someone who doesn't even make sense. And why didn't she say, "If YOU love ME, return the painting", instead of letting him corrupt her? In one scene, Catherine says to him, "Do you really think I'm going to sleep with a man I'm investigating?" As it turned out, the answer was, "Yes, and I'm going to corrupt you and break you heart, too." Catherine started out as a self-assured, intelligent woman and then totally fell apart. Crown started out as a manipulative creep and stayed that way. I will never understand what is appealing about these characters or this love story.
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