A thriller? No one under thirty? Surely not...
6 September 1999
I never saw the original. I have no idea whether or not Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway's chess scene was more erotically charged than Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo's more direct scene-on-the-stairs. I loved this film; I got my £5.00's worth and I'm happy.

It was just so good to see a tightly worked thriller with no-one under thirty in it; having recently seen 'Cruel Intentions' (ie Dangerous-Liasons-Lite with Sarah Michelle Gellar and hip young co-stars making a mess of a perfectly good story), it was good to see that McTiernan and Brosnan had obviously realised that to make a good remake you don't have to half the age of the cast. It was smart, sexy, had a couple of great twists and had my undivided attention from start to finish.

Dennis Leary finally played the straight man I've always suspected he could, Rene Russo managed to convey pure sexuality without compromising the 'worthy adversary' aspects of her role, and Pierce... well, I didn't think it was possible for him to up the cool from his James Bond levels, but Thomas Crowne blows 007 out of the water.

If you haven't seen this film, go and see it if you get the chance. If you've seen the original and want to tell me exactly why it's so much better than the original, feel free to do so. I maintain, however, that the most important thing is to leave the cinema happy, which I did. Whether or not this is a remake, it's a great movie.

Thanks for reading.
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