Brave and heartwarming film about cerebral palsy
12 November 1998
Rolf de Heer is a brave director, as those who've seen Bad Boy Bubby and The Quiet Room will know. In this film he braves the sensitive subject of cerebral palsy. Julia, a severe sufferer, is bound to her wheeelchair and can only communicate via her voice machine. Her heartless carer Madeline, is downright cruel to her. When the kind and loving Eddie enters Julia's life a strange menage a trois begins, but not quite as you would imagine. The film avoids mawkish sentimentality, and is a tribute to the triumph of the human spirit. Julia's strengths and weaknesses are all on display, as well as her sharp wit. Heather Rose who plays Julia also wrote the screenplay and gives us a unique insight into her world. This new Australian film is a must for anyone who wants to be confronted and amazed by a subject not often tackled on screen.
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