Flip discovers the law of unintended consequences.
29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very good early Flip the Frog short. The title refers to a movement in the 1930s that was called Technocracy and believed technology was the answer to everything. Here, Flip tries to save himself some effort by building a robot to do chores, most immediately mowing the lawn. Unfortunately for Flip (there almost always is an "unfortunately for Flip" in these-that frog has really bad Karma!), the robot is extremely literal in nature and trouble rapidly follows. Toward the end, the cartoon becomes horrific in nature and the pace picks up notably. Semi-spoiler, sort of:

At times in the short, the head of the robot resembles a Jack-o-lantern, markedly so when it grows angry with Flip and starts chasing him with less than friendly intent.

The short switches from comedy to horror late in the game and does so well. In this one, Flip even has something approaching a personality. Well done cartoon. Well worth watching and glad to see it in print. Most recommended.
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