Little Voice (1998)
A classic example of deceptive marketing leading to disappointment
14 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*** possible minor spoilers***

From the trailers, and the box covers (which were basically all I had to go on when I rented this movie) this was billed as a comedy. I returned it and for the first time complained at the video store and got my money back since I felt I had been totally deceived. They agreed with me.

For a movie like this it should at least be noted that this is a DARK comedy, so dark as to be depressing. There was one 3-minute scene that showed some of the sparkle promised by the promotions, and yet after that it plunged right back into darkness again. There was no resolution for the main character, her life didn't get any better...and her talents went to total waste. I was left sitting there thinking that I had been totally gypped.

The only thing that saves this movie, in my opinion, is the vocal talent of the lead...who does all her own work and is quite amazing. There is not enough of this however, since most of the movie is just the horrid antics of the character of the mother.

If you are in the mood for a dark British drama than this is the movie for you, if you looking for what this movie bills itself as, an inspiring dramatic comedy then look elsewhere.
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