Guyver: Out of Control (1986 Video)
11 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(warning may contian spoilers)This is a great movie, the animation is good for being from 1987.However I thought that bit with Valculra was too much, all she seemed to do was lose her clothes. There was some nudity in this film. There are two familar characters in this film, Sho and Mikzuki. I thought it was creepy when his two friends got killed right in school they also never really explained how they kidnapped Mizuki.The guver armor is cool but the part with valcura and the doctor who says (have you always had those two tumors on your back?) that was weird I mean isn't that woman a doctor so why would she ask valcura that? There is also guyver #3 in the movie who appears later in another guyer series. Whether this movie and the rest of the saga are connected I don't know. rating 8 out of ten.
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