Urban Legend (1998)
Not scary at all
20 June 2003
Back in the day, the best horror films were Hitchcock movies, like "Psycho" and "Frenzy". Even after Hitchcock, "The Exorcist" was frightening, and Brian DePalma made scary stuff like "Dressed to Kill". Now, we've hit the bottom of the barrel.

If a bunch of people being hacked up is scary to you, then this movie (and about 100 other wastes of film) should be right up your alley. The only thing that was remotely scary in this movie was the acting.

And just for the record, any movie that microwaves a poor, helpless dog should be banned. Kill all the people you want in these slasher flicks, you can even hack up cats/birds/hamsters/manatees you want, but leave dogs alone.
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