Review of Trapped

Trapped (1999)
This is horrible.....
7 March 2002
This film is being praised by the people who made it. That is horrible.

At least give it an honest review. This is basically like a crappy version of 'Albino Alligator' and even that film wasn't too great.

I (an honest person who actually saw the film, but did not participate in making it) saw this film at a film festival and thought it looked pretty cool, judging from the posters and what not. I met the director, he was a nice guy, but a little full of himself, as proved in his own review of his film. The film wasn't a bad effort and I don't want to criticize it too much because it is independent, but I just think that it could have been done better.

The plot seemed like it was written by a 6th grader. The judge is caught doing the same thing he wrongfully accused someone else of doing?

Cheesy! The acting.....I'm sorry, but it was really bad. It is all set in one very dull, very badly lit location. It just seems like this guy had somewhat of a budget and willing actors, that he could have at least made something entertaining. All I can say is I really support independent films, but this could have been better, it was trying too hard to have an audience-acceptable plot. Be raw, create something original and you'll be fine.
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