Missed opportunity...
17 June 2004
Ok first things first. The audio commentary (well the twenty minutes or so of it) is some of the best and most original commentary I have ever heard. That alone made the price of the rental worth it. The movie too has an original idea but I think it ultimately fails to live up to its own premise. The basic idea behind the movie is that there is a guy who acts like he is in movie from the twenties living in 1990s New York. The characters around him though for a large part accept him and think very little of the way he is. Only a few times do the characters actually react in a realistic way to him, like when Samantha kicks him out of the apartment. However, on the whole the characters are just as weird in him (in their own quirky ways) and never play the straight and cyncial role they are meant to. The movie gets way too goofy and would have been much funnier if people had been more "normal". Take for example the scene where he is drinking tea with the Riddler's heavy. Instead of having a scene between a weird character (Johnny 20s) and a straight and unamused character (the big guy); you get the bodyguard (or whatever the hell is job is) starting to recite Shakespeare and acting bizarre in his own right. It throws off the balance and instead of having a guy from the 20s dealing with 90s society you got a movie about a bunch of weird characters thrown together and a bunch of stupid situations. Now some of you may disagree and think the basic premise of the movie is maintained, but really where's the comedic contrast when you sit Johhny 20s across from a character who is just as strange as him? This could have been better.

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