Keep in mind it is FICTION
3 November 1999
Like The English Patient, this is a FICTIONAL movie depicting real people in a FICTIONAL tale. Don't over anaylize the historical accuracy of it. It is not historically acurate, it is not intended to be. What it IS, is a beautiful romantic story about a playwright and his muse. The parallels they create between Shakespeare and Viola and Romeo and Juliet are priceless and wonderful.

Also, I have to say, the performances of Romeo and Juliet in this movie are the best I have ever seen. I would love to see all the players from this movie do Romeo and Juliet the way they did in this movie. I have never before seen anyone speak the lines from any Shakespeare play in a way which conveys the feeling of them, as opposed to the meaning of them. It is a pity that the only time it is done is in bits and pieces for another movie.

This movie is great. Everything from the costumes to the acting is superb.
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