Fight Club (1999)
Near perfect.
10 January 2001
Many friends had recommended Fight Club to me, so when I missed it at the theatre, I was a bit p****d off. Then came the chance for video, and wow! was it an experience...

Edward Norton stars as Jack, a chronic ismoniac desperate to escape his excruciatingly boring life. That's when he meets Tyler Durden (Brad pitt), a charismatic soap salesman with a twisted philosophy. Tyler belives that self-improvement is for the weak - self-destruction is for the strong and capable. Before long, Jack and Tyler are beating each other to a pulp in a bar parking lot. To introduce other men to the simple joys of physical violence, Jack and Tyler start a secret underground Fight Club which becomes widly successful. But there is a big surprise coming towards Jack...

There are about 2 flaws which stop this film from being a complete masterpiece. It may be slightly too slow-moving for some of the crowd, and some of the things the fight club members do are wildly far-fetched. But, still, there is an array of dazzling performances, particularly from our two leads, who both play their characters realistically and with absolute honesty and passion. David Fincher goes beyond what he did in Se7en, and that is quite an achievement to beat. Jim Uhls adapts the Fight Club book perfectly, making a screenplay which is, infact, better than the actual book itself.

The first rule of Fight Club is - "You must see Fight Club."

I rate Fight Club 9 out of 10.
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