Review of Supernova

Supernova (I) (2000)
14 March 2000
This is exactly what I did when I saw this movie. I yawned. Not because I was sleepy, but because I was tremendously bored. This movie is downright insulting. After seeing so many great sci-fi movies ("The Matrix", "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace", "Pitch Black" and the recent "Star Trek" movies), my tastes in the genre have been suitably lifted.

I met "Supernova" with some low expectations, but at least I wanted some reasonable special effects. Actually, they are utterly dull and lifeless. Am I supposed to believe that nothing really happens to Robin Tunney when she gets thrown in space? Her lungs would have exploded because of the difference of pressure. But no, it seems that she is just going to suffocate.

The performers are delivering the lines of a dumb screenplay. James Spader is mediocre, to say the least, in an absolutely thankless role. Angela Bassett, who experienced her ups and downs (worst performance in "Critters 4", astounding performances in "What's Love Got To Do With It" and "Strange Days"), is also experiencing her last (hopefully) dumb movie role. She has some lines that are completely useless to the development of the plot. Robin Tunney is very unlucky lately. In 1999, she appeared in two movies: this one and "End of Days". As usual, she is terrible. Someone has to tell her: good looks (that includes breasts) do not usually mix with talent.

The plot is less than dumb. It starts quietly, 10 minutes pass nothing interesting happens, 20 minutes pass, ooh, we got a distress signal, let's do a jump (which looks incredibly like "Star Trek" warp travel). Finally something mildly entertaining happens: the captain is fused in plastic, let's kill him. Then for 10 more minutes, I yawn. A sexy villain appears, let's see some gratuitous nudity. Carnage starts in the least shocking way. Killer is ejected into space. Didn't we see this before? Oh, yes. In "Alien", "Aliens", "Alien Resurrection", when it was frightening. Finally, the survivours do another jump. They are luckier than the deceased captain: they exchange eyes, and Bassett is pregnant. I start laughing.

I am sorry if I sound sarcastic, but this movie is an absolute waste of time. I would have given it a big, fat, good-looking zero, but I can't. 1/10 is more than generous.

Last comment: I also hated "Sweetie", the ship's computer. It was the most annoying character that I've heard in a long time. It is supposed to be a machine, not a horny woman who wants to have sex with one of the crewmen. I was wondering, if they used "Star Trek"'s idea of warp travel, maybe they should have used the same computer. It would have been even less original but a bit more believable.
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