Marky Mark and the Monkey Bunch
3 September 2001
It's hard to be objective with this new vision of Planet of the Apes, as the overwhelming desire to compare it with the 1968 original is almost too much to bear for any would-be movie critic with too much time on their hands. However, a word of caution – they are two very different movies. The original, with its world-weary Heston, moralising anti-nuke plot and the gee-shucks-can't-we-all-just-get-along narrative, plays out like one of the better episodes of Star Trek. Tim Burton's take on the simian planet is a million miles away (literally) from the Franklin J. Schaffner version, and so we have the action and the hokey chimptalk, but none of the social relevance. This, quite frankly, damns the film, damns it all to hell and makes it yet another summer blockbuster of running about and shooting at nasty things.

However, considered out of the context of the whole Apes saga, this is a damn fine no-brainer popcorn-flick with plenty of action, plot twists, rugged heroes and monkey madness. Helena Bonham Carter makes a decent chimp, Tim Roth makes a decent psycho-baddie and Mark Wahlberg makes a decent, well, underwear model. There is enough to keep your average film junkie happy and the movie does not outstay its welcome.

Hollow, but entertaining nonetheless, Planet of the Apes (2001) is not a bad film and is only disappointing when compared with a) the original b) Tim Burton's back catalogue. It's also a damn sight better than the four sequels and the TV spin-offs. Come to think of it, The Simpson's Planet of the Apes Musical may not be such a bad idea after all...
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