Anger doesn't begin to express my feelings.....
11 August 2001
If there is a bigger waste of time than this movie was, please let me know so I can avoid it at all costs!!! Makeup: good, set design: outstanding, acting: awful, script and dialog: the worst piece of rubbish yet this year. Just because it is said to be a revision doesn't give it the right to completely be disrespectful of the audiences intelligence. To go from sleepy hollow (which I enjoyed throughly) to this? Tim why don't you write your own movies anymore? The original was thought provoking, insightful, revolutionary, and downright entertaining. This........this was worse than Armageddon!!! This is what happens when you let Hollywood decide what is best for a remake...oops I mean redelusion. Blah. I'd rather watch the Battle for the Planet of the Apes (the weakest of the series) on a 24 hour loop then ever see this again. At least Aldo would make me smile with his terrible acting because his was probably only paid in peanuts (no pun intended) due to budget restraints. Not paid a fortune like Marky Mark to be the Hero in this movie. He can only muster himself up to sounding like Dirk Diggler in the documentries from Boogie Nights, only there is no fake apendage to help him out this time.........I must stop now or I will explode....ahhhhh!!!!!
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