20 April 2000
Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999) is a very weird movie. It was actually worse than I thought, but there are two hot chicks in it (Katie Holmes, Marisa Couglan) that made it heaps better.

I have to say Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999) went stupid at lots of points in the film and the actors (Holmes, Mirren, Watson) could of done lots better.

Anyway, I'll get to the point! This film is about an overachieving student named Lee-Anne Watson (Holmes) who is accused of cheating on her history test! Lee-Anne doesn't like it when things don't go her way, and she wants revenge, so her two buddys (Coughlan, Watson) take a trip to see Mrs. Tingle (the dragon teacher who accused Lee-Anne of cheating) and pay her a lesson!

This is not scary, its not that funny but it manages to get in the thriller combination.

My Rating : 7/10.
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