This one totally blow
17 September 2002
I have seen all three crow movies, and this one totally blows. I felt like it didn't even belong in the series. First of all, any crow fan in used to seeing the main character with long hair, and this one being short provided a unnecessary distraction. Second, the bad guys were completely unmemorable and unoriginal. All I remember was that they were crooked cops, and I thought to myself "Oh how original." And when there were flash backs of Lauren and Alex I didn't think, "Wow, now that's love." Rather all I saw was two actors who seemed a little awkward with each other, and the only type of couple they resembled were to High School students. And not even that, because many high school sweethearts out there stay together, and I didn't get near that with them. Also, I remember thinking how in the first crow, and even in the second how dreamy the city looked. It was like; I was brought to a different place, but not in this one. And plus Kirsten Dunst was also distracting because it was so random seeing her in a crow movie. Another thing, the rape scene for me didn't really convey how violent the act of rape can be. In the first crow, the character Shelly got rapped and beaten, which is very common, and more realistic unfortunately. Plus, Lauren seemed like she might have been stronger then Shelly, but she didn't have a totally beating to add on to her horrible situation, so in reality

these two characters can not be really compared because Shelly didn't get the same chance as Lauren did to fight back. Also, when the paint was first on Alex's face, someone asked him why did he paint his face and he said "Somebody else did it for me." Again, this deviation from the first two crows was distracting. To sum it all up, this movie really blows. I gave it a 2. Watch it if you want to watch the trilogy, but don't be surprised if your disappointed.
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