Review of Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run (1998)
23 October 2000
I saw this film without any prior reconnaissance, (thorough reconnaissance being a neurotic habit of mine dating back to poor potty training), I clicked on this flick on 1:00AM pay-per-view. I'm not sure what I saw but it was non-stop. I saw three versions of a story with events tempered by 256 different variations on luck and synchronicity. I saw a redheaded pixie with soulful youth ignite the screen...of course I fell in love with Franka Potente (she reminded me so much of my former dream-lover Leeloo in "The Fifth Element".) All this glittering experimentation interlaced with high color animations and cut aways to other realities and timelines kept me on edge throughout. A whirling panorama of bankers, botched illegal dealings, guns, money and ticking Hitchcockian clocks made an irresistible mix. It had a limited script and a very simple plot, which was nice since I understand spoken German about as well as my dog. I was charmed by this frantic, deliriously delicious feast! But then I was charmed by "Pulp Fiction." Did I mention my tastes run a bit noir-ish? Man, what a rush! I need to think about this one a bit more to sort out my feelings and thoughts...maybe see it again with Timothy Leary to get a clearer perspective.

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