poorly executed and mostly irrelevant
9 November 1999
Viewed in the context of a Jewish Film festival, this feature documentary seemed irrelevant, i.e. without "Jewish" content. The mere fact that an individual actor or filmmaker happens to be Jewish does not necessarily give their work a "Jewish twist." One expects vignettes reflecting the Jewish experience, or having historical significance (in this case it could be family histories, the Holocaust, Israel, diaspora life, etc) or even something to do with religious matters. Speilberg made "E.T. and "Saving Private Ryan"---not Jewish films. He also made "Schindler's List." No question about its significance in this discussion! Roberto Benigni is not a Jew, but "Life is Beautiful" could easily be shown at a Jewish film festival, without apologies. "Trailers, Schmailers" is interesting for its film history. It is not a Jewish film. (Was it intended to be?) And it is not a particularly well put together collection, but that's easy for me, a non-filmmaker to say! Hats off to anyone who can splice anything together!
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