Stereotypical but quite funny
22 April 2001
I'm sure the makers of this film have watched one too many gangster films, which seems to be most of the research they've compiled to make this often stereotypical, sometimes overblown mob comedy. "Mickey Blue Eyes" plays out more like a sitcom version of a mob film. However, it brings out quite a few laughs. The cast is fine, led by the first-rate James Caan. Joe Viterelli, who everyone remembers from "Analyze This" also has a small part. Unfortunately, he didn't get to deliver as many funny lines as he did in the previous mob comedy. I'm sure many think this is a rip-off of "Analyze This," and it was in fact pretty bad timing opening this movie a few months after the DeNiro/Crystal comedy made its grand opening. I have to admit "AT" was a much funnier, much more well-observed comedy--but this one delivers the goods as well.

One memorable scene was the Chinese restaurant proposal. Hugh Grant tries to propose to his would-be fiance Jeanne Tripplehorn by inserting a fortune in a fortune cookie that says "Will you marry me?" The Chinese waitress brings over the cookies and Tripplehorn refuses to eat her cookie. So the waitress keeps persuading her to eat it until she yells out "Eat f**kin' cookie!" That was one hilarious scene!

"Mickey Blue Eyes" pokes fun at the mob in a very light, superficial fashion, but it's worthy of some good laughs and is definitely enjoyable.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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