I Still Know The Original Was Crap
27 October 2001
Why does everyone have a downer on this film? Is it because Buffy has gone back to TV where she belongs? Or is it because this film is that rare thing - a sequel which surpasses the original.

We might as well be honest, the original 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' was an uninspired, tedious piece of crud masquerading as a Slasher Movie under the guise of 'teen psychological thriller' (most teenagers wouldn't know a psychological thriller if it jumped up and bit them on the backside - I should know, I only stopped being a teenager 3 years ago). 'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer' may also be uninspired, but at least it doesn't try to be anything it's not - this one is an out-and-out Slasher Fest, radically different in tone to it's predecessor. And there's no 'Scream' style in joke irony to wade through.

The plot is simple, Ben Willis may have lost his hand in the last movie, but he didn't lose his life, and he's back!! And this time he really is the psycho with a fishing hook for a hand. All he wants to do is kill Julie James and her somewhat anonymous boyfriend (the awful Freddie Prinze Jr - do you think his daddy is proud?), who thankfully gets next to no screentime.

The biggest surprise of the film is the top-notch performance we get from Brandy. Instead of coming across as a typical scream queen, she comes across as a very ballsy, hot headed chick. Low points include the oh-so-obvious twist in the tail (not since Halloween and until Scream 3 have I seen such an obvious plot device), but obvious twists in the tail are a Slasher Movie staple, so I'm glad to see it included here. By far the best aspect of this movie is the setting, on an almost abandoned Island resort in the middle of storm season - which means there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
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