The Paul Hogan Show (1973–1984)
Australia's Benny Hill counterpart
17 April 2000
Before the "Come and Say G'Day" commercials in 1983 and the Crocodile Dundee movie in 1986 there was the Paul Hogan Show. It was Australia's Benny Hill with sophomoric but clean, biting humor yet without the infamous ribaldry. The show usually opened with a welcoming monologue featuring wisecracks in front of a live audience. Then would come a series of shorts. One of the recurring skits featured Hogan and John Cornell as two losers in a ramshackle bachelor pad planning out their supposed evening with the ladies. In a style that truly mimicked Benny Hill there were frequently accelerated-film skits. One that I remember featured Hogan trying to set up camp to the accompaniment of Canned Heat's "Up The Country".

Although sometimes bland, the Paul Hogan show definitely had its moments. One of the most unforgettable performances was Hogan as the trenchcoat-clad man in the city park, singing to the accompaniment of lush Phil Spector-esque instrumentals: "There's someone, waiting around you, just stop and see. There is someone, waiting to know you, over there, behind the tree! There is someone, who has something, that he wants the world to see! Oh somebody, anybody! oh for God sake! look at me!" [holding trenchcoat wide open] "LOOK AT ME!"

Do any tapes exist anymore? If so, drop me a line.
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