The Magnificent Seven (1998–2000)
An excellent - yet under-appreciated- ensemble show.
3 August 2004
This was an amazingly well crafted show, that was over too soon! In a market that was glutted with cookie-cutter dramas and sit-coms, Magnificent Seven was a welcome change. Sylistically, it didn't look like anything else on TV, and it certainly didn't have the same story lines as anything else on any other network. Unfortunately, westerns on TV were not destined to make a comeback that season.

I'm a big fan of the original with Brynner and McQueen, and believe me -Biehn and Close were well able to fill those remarkable shoes! Eric Close even LOOKS like Steve McQueen! And believe me - the chemistry of the seven actors is something I've not seen on TV since - and likely will not see again. There was a friendship between all seven main actors, which made their characters easier to believe and twice as engaging to watch.

This show had action, drama, comedy, brotherhood, and just a pinch of romance. It was clean enough, yet entertaining enough for younger kids to watch, and interesting enough to keep adults coming back each week. I think it's still viewable on the Hallmark channel, but not everyone has that channel available. What I wouldn't give for DVD's...
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