Review of Patch Adams

Patch Adams (1998)
Another Robin Williams vehicle but the worst so far
26 September 1999
So we have this real-life doctor who's a bit eccentric, huge moustache, ear-rings, claims that he isn't in medicine for the money. Let's give it the Hollywood treatment. Who should play the lead role? Why, Robin Williams of course - we don't have the imagination to find any new acting talent, we'd rather go for the same formula that worked so well in Dead Poets Society. Being in the movie industry we don't really understand the medical profession so let's fall back on some familiar stereotypes, namely: (1) doctors are only in it for the money and status (2) doctors only see their patients as pieces of meat (3) doctors feel threatened if you suggest they should smile at their patients (4) medicine ought to be free to everyone and if it was, then everything would be all right. And let's pretend that Patch has some sort of original philosophy that we can all learn from: let's set him up as a guru and let's take the credit for discovering him.

There's nothing in this movie that is true or original. Worse, it misleads the viewer. Worst of all, it offers glib tear-jerking scenes that offend your intelligence. Grade: 2/10. Avoid like the plague.
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