brief review
19 January 1999
Begins with a classically stupid "braino" by a New York Judge, who pronounces that some of the Mitchell Bros. movies "...would have violated community standards in Sodom and Gomorrah..." (For the records, sexual practices in pre-Hebraic Palestine embraced temple prostitution (both male and female), anal intercourse, exhibitionism, orgies and a good deal else.)

The story opens with a fight and a familiar story. Lot, his wife and daughters separate from the rest of the tribe and head for the unknown city of Sodom. There, they become temporarily enmeshed with a society where anal intercourse is a brutally enforced community standard. Shortly afterward, two space travelers with an incomprehensible obsession about human venereal disease "raid the party", sparing only Lot and his family. (This last element seems to have been adapted from Eric Von Daniken's books. He was popular at that time.)

Overall, this is the best erotic film ever made. Attractive young people having pleasantly varied sex with no barriers in sight. It leaves the bored supermodels of today's porn films far behind. The SF Bay Area was a great place to be in the mid-'70s if you were horny. This was filmed near Castro Valley, due to the better filming weather. Just warm enough to make romping around in the nude to be delightfully comfortable.
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