Mad Bad & Dangerous - but no!
15 July 1999
As a hot-blooded, heterosexual Englishman I usually go for action films for the pace and violence - certainly not for the scripts. But Mel Gibson has always had a very strange "ooh I wouldn't kick him out of bed" effect on me. OK he's made some stinking turkeys in his time, but he's always done them with dignity, cool and above all sexiness.

However, Lethal Weapon 4 was the worst pile of disjointed, feeble, over-budgeted rubbish I have yet seen him in. The series has worked for me due to the great chemistry and witty repartee between Mel and Danny but it has become jaded and stale. The script was not just a crumby action script - it was like talking to your alzheimer's suffering grandmother. The story didn't flow and far too much pally-buddie-coincidence driven scenarios ground down an action packed adventure into a series of slushy sentimental cliches.

What I would say in it's defence is Jet Li was fantastic. He upstaged the entire cast. A menacing look here, a well placed (but still cool) kick there and the partnership of Mel & Danny was left looking comatose. When they are discussing leaving Jet alone because he's too good. I thoroughly agreed. Give him the entire Lethal Weapon 5 and Mel and Danny can stay on the golf course with Connery and other aging over-payed and lazy actors.

Sorry Mel, but however good you are in bed - you need to do better on the screen before you come anywhere near me.
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