One Encore Too Many / A Pale Shadow of Past Glories
6 September 1999
I really loved Lethal Weapon. Mel Gibson deserved high honors for his portrayal of a tortured, suicidal, Vietnam veteran in the first film. More than a decade later, these fine actors are being trotted out strictly for laughs, and everything I found engaging about these movies is gone. Bad plot, major holes in the story, heavy handed, politically correct dialog (yeah, right, cops hang anti-NRA posters in the squad room, and these guys love gun control international. Yeah, these characters are anti-handgun! Gag me.) It is just SAD. Hang it up, guys, you are too old for this stuff, and you surely need a different director. I could shoot holes in the plot, but it would be a waste of time--it is a blooper gold mine. I wish big Hollywood Cop movies would have at least one real cop on the set to point out how things are really done, so we wouldn't see such embarrassing retelling movie stereoptypes.
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