Lucas blows the audience away again.
17 May 2002
Well, for the first time ever, I went to an opening-day showing of a Star Wars movie. The crowd was into it from the beginning, as I have not head a crowd into a movie since Empire Strikes Back. When the opening titles came up, everyone cheered. And there were many more cheers to be had, especially during he climax, where the audience roared its approval more than once. When the end credits came up there was a final ovation as people got up to leave.

This was perhaps the best of the 5 movies so far, but it is hard for me to say after only one sitting. There is so much going on in every scene that it will take at least 2 or 3 viewings to catch it all. I am certain I missed little tidbits here and there. But of course I was able to follow the movie just fine and enjoyed it thoroughly. The scenery and effects are breath-taking. Once again a Lucas movie sets the standard as the greatest effects achievement to date -- which will stand probably until 3 years from now, when he beats himself yet again.

Many people, particularly critics, have complained about the acting and dialog. I do not understand the problem. I thought Hayden Christiansen in particular was an outstanding Anakin. In one scene in particular, where he recounts some very un-Jedi-like behavior to a stunned Amidala, he shows definite signs of the future -- the fall to Darkness and his transmogrification into the evil Lord Darth Vader. Oh, he's not there yet -- but you can see he's well on his way down that road, and perhaps so far that even if Obi-wan realized it, he wouldn't have been able to stop him.

The other actors turned in fine performances in my opinion. The dialog was a bit stilted at times, but in what Star Wars movie, including the "classic" three, was this not the case? I am not sure why people who know and love these other movies, have found fault with the very same items in this movie, that appear not to bother them in the others.

The story is good in this movie, perhaps the most intriguing of all. You will see, as things unfold, the seeds being laid for many things. You will find out why many of the things that existed in Episode 4 (Star Wars) but not in Episode 1 (Phantom Menace) came to be. After Episode 1 it seemed odd that in so short a time we could have Star Destroyers, Stormtroopers, Bounty Hunters, and Dark Sith Lords. In this current installment, some of that is explained, some is hinted and foreshadowed.

In all I found many of the scenes excellent, and of course the lightsaber battles are wonderful as always. I am still not sure if the "primary" saber battle in this movie or in Episode 1 (with Darth Maul) is the best... I think I will have to view it several more times to be sure. But it is very close, and it is exciting and fun to watch. The crowd cheered multiple times at this part, too.

I have only good to say about this movie. Not one thing was bad about it. It had a great balance of action and drama, fast scenes and slow, excitement and tense personal interaction. It was visually stunning. The sound was great. The sound track was, as always, magnificent. In all, this movie is a proud addition to the greatest series of movies ever made.

Great job, George. Hats off to the entire cast and crew. I can't wait till Episode 3.

My score: 10/10
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