Uh, no. [Possible spoiler.]
18 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Lucas(s) doesn't know what he's doing anymore. Clones plagiarizes at least 5 huge, famous blockbuster movies. I've heard that the movie picks up after 40 minutes, but guess what IT DON'T. Looking at Portman's solid torso we see George's age as he seems now to cast only for looks and no personality. She looks damn good, but there's something incredibly dead about her.

Clones clunks along and is too easy. And YODA kicking @$$ at the end is too much of a desperate attempt to please the losers who actually came to my screening with their light sabers. [There just ain't no way that little gremlin midget can jump that high.] Come on now. I'm not an elitist prick Star Wars hater. I LIKE the series...but a piece of crap is a piece of crap.

Waste of my freaking money.
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