15 July 2002
What happened? How in the world can a series suffer from "SEQUEL FATIGUE" after one sequel. I know, I know, it's not the first time THAT has happened. MIB was one of my favorite movies of 1997. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones had great comedic chemistry (who knew?) that has somehow evaporated. Jones looks bored and Smith is trying his best but is ultimately let down by a very uninspired plot. MIB was not a great movie, but it made so much money because it was so much fun. Part X-Files spoof(the show's popularity was at its peak) part Ghostbusters the movie was unique because it featured a hilarious talking dog, a guy who could grow his had back after having it blown off, a woman who gave birth to a squid, heroes in the most ordinary-looking suits who never lost their cool, witty dialogue, and one of the most bizarre villans I have ever seen. Well, MIIB is a carbon copy of the first. Except for the part about the witty dialogue, the villain (Famke Jenssen has got to be happy she jumped ship), it being unique....oh what the hell. I hope everybody involved enjoys their fat paycheck. Based on the bad reviews bad word of mouth and a spectacular second week freefall at the box office, I'm guessing the studio exec who even mentions a MIIIB will be neuralized. Come to think of it, after seeing this movie being neuralized doesn't sound like a bad thing. 5 out of 10
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