Review of X-Men

X-Men (2000)
A big budget comic book movie that succeeds on all counts
14 July 2000
I'm an independent moviemaker in Canada that aspires to do big budget blockbuster summer movies. I'm also an avid comic book reader. But, I hate Marvel Comics & the X-Men. Have for ages. So I can't say I was exactly looking forward to this movie. And I never ever thought I'd LOVE this movie. Bryan Singer (who directed the also excellent "Usual Suspects") & his fellow X-Moviemakers did an amazing job translating these characters to the big screen. Relative newcomer Hugh Jackman gives what may end up being a breakthrough performance as Wolverine. Only die-hard X-Fans may be a bit upset by how some of the characters are adapted to their motion picture versions (Rogue is quite different than the sexy southern bell X-readers are probably used to). My favorite thing is that they didn't have a cheesy top 10 soundtrack to accompany the movie (as they did with Mi2 & other such summer fare). When a movie comes out that's based on something that's already beloved by a large # of fans (whether it's Hamlet, X-Files, Batman or Silence of the Lambs), the key is to appeal to the worshipers AND the people who've never heard of the thing before. Rarely does this succeed, but with X-Men, they pulled off a movie that should be enjoyable to both forms of viewers. I give it my highest possible recommendation. Go see it.
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