30 May 1999
How many people have to die so that one will survive? A very important question...how many people have to die for a just cause? That what war is all about? Since the history of human kind, there have always been wars...except that not always they have been so expressfull as this one. So...open, so ...real. Hollywood has a record to make good war movies, but not all of them show you the REAL face of the war. This time, we all have something to watch and learn...from Steven Spielberg. He did his "homework" and he did it very well. "Saving private Ryan", proves just that. Tom Hanks plays great. In the movie, he "used to be" a teacher, but now he is a captain, and he certainly deserves his rank. If, by any chance, you didn`t see this movie yet, you have no idea what you are missing. Rent it, buy it...totally regardless which one you choose cause you don`t loose. If you have a surround sound...you WILL feel every explosion, every shot, every scream...and you will definitely not stop until you have seen it all.

I highly recommend this movie...in fact you can go strait out and buy it...add it to your collection...it will be one of your favorites!
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