Watch it for Nic and Sandra
28 July 1999
The two ladies are simply amazing! If sexy legs and cleavage and up-all-night sisterly cuddles are your idea of good-natured fun (not without a bit of funky twist of the supernatural), then this movie will do you justice. Mmm.

Personally, I've never felt such intensely contradicting emotions during the course of one movie. Most of the times I'm grimacing for better plot development. That is, can the story dump the cliches with more confidence and truly explore real-life issues of women such as abuse --- instead of using it as a stepping-stone for sexy actresses to get wicked and 'bewitched'?!) The stock characters of the female townies, always adversary to the sister-witches, are truly embarrassing.

The film remains superficial precisely because it touches on, rather than develops, very complex phenomena like fear of witches (read: powerful women), competition among women, abusive relationships, women's cinderella dreams, fitting in, female ambitions (examplary housewife or wild slut - your pick), etc etc etc!!!! Instead these issues are *exploited* for a *greatly* uneven film: a hodge-podge of romance, black/family comedy-drama, suspense, crime story, science fiction...We CAN still have a fun and exciting movie with a story that focuses on, respects, and gives its all to one or two of these topics without using them for their surface/shock values (really!)

It's highly possible that the film started out with a solid good script based on the book and gets tampered with by the studio for maximum appeal later on. The most horrifying aspects for me? The flying witches at the end (oh GAWD!) The strange cut from the sexual passions of the main romance to a weird-and-weak confrontation with the supernatural undead boyfriend (as if the effects people are itching to drop a load of Hollywood eye candy - even at expense of awkward development!) And the overall stereotypical typecasting of women.

The only enjoyable elements left of the film are the two female leads. I have to admire their courage and creativity in some of the absolutely ludicrous moments (midnight magarita, flying as witches, one nibbling on the other's ear...) And that atmospheric opener with grandma-witch who got knocked up by an unfaithful member of the male species and is crying up a storm toward an open sea?....just fastforward to Nic and Sandra. Or pop in Witches of Eastwick for a more acceptable film of a similar theme [just don't expect it to be as sexy;) ]
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