Visit the Green Mile, it will make you smile!
29 February 2000
What can I say about Tom Hanks movies that hasn't been said before? probably nothing different but here goes......

The first time I cried listening to Tom Hanks voice while watching a movie scene with his powerful acting was "Philadelphia" and I didn't know any gay people.....

The second time was when he visited Jenny's grave under the tree in "Forrest Gump", and I'd never lost a lover.

The third time was in "saving Private Ryan" and I never lost anyone in a war.

Now I've just seen "The Green Mile" and sobbed myself silly over John Coffey, and yet I've never cared about ONE SINGLE prisoner on this earth.

Something about Tom Hanks name on the poster of any movie says to me "Purchase tissues before entering cinema". Of course I didn't cry FOR Hanks in this movie, rather WITH him (and every single person in the cinema with me). Some movies you miss a line here and there because of opening chip packets or chatter between bored viewers being overheard. With "The Green Mile" you miss lines from nose blowing, breath catching mid cry and sniffling back the runny nose and tears.

I LOVED this movie and what it said ------ it didn't hit you over the head with its spirituality either which i liked. I am appalled by the evangelistic style "Events" that are staged by so-called faith healers today, trying to get you to join their one true church of god to be healed (credit cards accepted of course)and pushing their own agenda before you get "healed" which of course you don't. No, John COFFEY truly was a spiritual man, one who's spirit was powerful and therefore didn't need to preach in order to share his soul with others.

That's what I feel spirituality is ...... not organised religion or churches, rather it is the honest love between one another of people. When Coffey said "it's the same all over the world, they kill them with their love!" I understood! I hope we all can understand one day and stop man's inhumanity to man.

The best film I have ever seen! 10/10

PS to Haley Joel OSMET, sorry kid, you'll be crying too soon! On Oscar night your little gold man will be stolen away from you by the biggest black guy in Hollywood. He's not a bully, he's the embodiment of love, he's Michael Clarke Duncan, winner of this year's Best Supporting Actor me, he will be!.....just hope they move the stage lights up high so he doesn't bump his head on them, he's HUGE!
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